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10 Surprising Things about Decaf Coffee


There are a lot of misconceptions about decaf coffee. For instance, a lot of people think it doesn’t have any caffeine in it, which is understandable considering we see the word decaf; however, surprisingly enough, decaf does not equal to "no caffeine". Then there are others that think because it is low in caffeine, it must be low in quality. Well I have to say, on the contrary to all the above, there are a number of surprising qualities about decaf coffee: like the fact that it actually has caffeine in it! A little shocking, isn`t it!?

In this article, we will explore the 10 most surprising facts about this misunderstood beverage. Time to bust some myths!

10 Surprising Things about Decaf Coffee

1. Decaf Coffee Does Not Give You the Jitters Like Caffeinated Coffee

Although it may be an obvious point, this is because decaf coffee has much less caffeine content compared to regular coffee. Because caffeine is a stimulant, too much of it can lead to anxiety, restlessness, and even headaches.

2. It Won't Dehydrate You Like Caffeinated Coffee 

Decaf coffee does not dehydrate you. Unlike regular coffee, which contains caffeine—a natural diuretic that can increase urine output—decaf coffee has had most of its caffeine removed. As a result, it does not have the same dehydrating effects. In fact, drinking decaf coffee can contribute to your daily fluid intake, making it a hydrating beverage choice. You can enjoy decaf coffee throughout the day without worrying about dehydration.

japanese premium decaf coffee

3. Alcohol Can Impair Your Judgement, but not if You Pair it With Decaf Coffee!

Isn't this such a surprise? Studies have shown that those who drink alcohol and decaf together have better judgement than those who drink alcohol and caffeinated coffee. If you go out for a night of drinking, make sure to drink some decaf – it can help keep your sobriety intact!

4. No Need to Worry about Overcaffeinating Yourself!

Decaf coffee has much less caffeine than regular coffee. In fact, most decaf coffees contain only 2 to 20 mg per cup, whereas regular coffee contains anywhere from 80mg to 300mg per cup, depending on the coffee bean used.

Decaf Coffee? No Thanks.

5. Not Addicting, and Tastes Amazing!

You can enjoy a flavorful cup of coffee without worrying about getting addicted, and no longer enjoying regular cups of Joe (that one is for all my fellow caffeine addicts out there!). In fact, you might even find that you enjoy decaf coffee more than regular coffee; it has a different flavor profile and can be brewed in a variety of ways.

6. Taste is Not Compromised

There are decaffeination processes that do not strip away all the amazing flavors and aromas of the coffee beans, and such process involves using Liquid Dicarboxylic Acid at a relatively low atmospheric pressure and temperature to remove caffeine from raw coffee beans.

The milder conditions of the process in terms of pressure and temperature help the coffee beans retain their original taste, richness, flavor, and aroma; and what is even greater - we have used this process for our very own decaf coffee beans! This is why you will never have to compromise for great taste!

decaf japanese coffee

7. Drinking Decaf Means Choosing a Healthy Lifestyle!

Caffeine has been linked with a number of health risks, such as high blood pressure; especially, for people whose metabolism cannot handle it. Since decaf coffee does not contain high amounts of caffeine, you can enjoy a cup without worrying about the health risks.

8. You Can Drink as Many Cups Without Risking Your Health

I know this is something coffee addicts will be relieved to know - you can drink as much cups without worrying about overcaffeination! After a while, you may even find that drinking caffeinated coffee will give you the jitters and make your heart race -- those of which are both symptoms of too much caffeine.

9. A Choice For Pregnant Women

Studies have shown that high amounts of caffeine can lead to miscarriages, birth defects, gestational diabetes, hypertension, low birth weight babies, preterm labor, an increased risk of childhood leukemia, or a low IQ in children. Because of its low caffeine content, decaf coffee offers a choice for pregnant women to enjoy coffee.

10. Helps Regulate Blood Sugar Levels and Reduces Risk For Type II Diabetes

In fact, one study showed that those who consumed decaf coffee on a regular basis were 67% less likely to develop type II diabetes than those who didn’t drink any coffee at all. This is because caffeine can increase blood sugar levels, but because decaf coffee doesn’t contain as much caffeine, it will not have this effect.

black decaf coffee

FAQ About decaf coffee

What is the caffeine content in decaf coffee?

An average cup of decaf coffee has around 2-6mg of caffeine. This is a much lower amount than regular coffee, which contains around 80-180mg of caffeine per cup.

Can I drink as much decaf coffee as I want?

No, you should still moderate your intake of decaf coffee. While it is lower in caffeine than regular coffee, it still contains some caffeine. Too much caffeine can be harmful to your health.

Who can drink decaf coffee?

People of all ages can enjoy the benefits of decaf coffee. Anyone who is sensitive to caffeine should consider switching to decaf coffee as it does not contain any caffeine.

Decaf coffee is also a good choice for pregnant women and people with acid reflux or GERD. It may even have health benefits that regular coffee doesn't have, such as reducing cholesterol levels and boosting brain function!

Is Decaf Coffee Less Flavorful than Regular Coffee?

No, decaf coffee is just as flavorful as regular coffee. The only difference is that decaf coffee beans undergo a different process for the caffeine to be removed, which causes the beans to have a milder flavor than regular coffee. Some people even prefer this milder taste!

What is the Best Time of Day to Drink Decaf Coffee?

You can drink decaf coffee anytime, day or night! However, I would recommend sticking to earlier in the day since studies have shown that caffeine consumption later in the day could lead to sleeping problems.

Is Deaf Coffee Less Caffeinated than Regular Coffee?

Yes, decaf coffee has less caffeine content than regular coffee. Decaf coffee is made by using special processes to extract the caffeine from the beans. Comparing them side by side, decaf coffee holds about 97% less caffeine than regular coffee, so if you are looking for a low-caffeine coffee option, decaf is the way to go!

What is the Best Way to Brew Decaf Coffee?

That's totally up to you! There are a number of ways to prepare decaf coffee, including using a French press, an automatic drip machine, a pour-over cone, or even just brewing it as espresso or iced coffee. No matter how you make it, decaf coffee can always taste delicious, so go ahead and experiment!

Is there no coffee plant that naturally has no caffeine?

All these procedures are well and good, but wouldn't a coffee plant that inherently contains no caffeine be the easiest solution? Around 10% of the coffee traded worldwide is decaffeinated.

And yes, decaffeinated coffee does appear to grow naturally too, but it is rarely found. Brazilian researchers discovered a naturally caffeine-free coffee plant in Ethiopia as early as 17 years ago. So far it has not been profitable enough for trading.

So an attempt is being made through genetic engineering to cross this coffee plant with other commercially used “Arabica” varieties so that it can be grown on plantations.

Who is decaffeinated coffee for?

Decaffeinated coffee is particularly suitable for those who suffer from caffeine intolerance. This is not as rare as you might think. Many people do not even know that they suffer from an allergy or intolerance: tremors, sweating, racing heart or an irritated stomach can be signs of an intolerance to caffeine.

Incidentally, one reacts similarly if too much caffeine has been consumed. Doctors say that 400mg of caffeine per day is the maximum for an adult, but ultimately it depends on things like body weight and your own sensitivity whether you can tolerate caffeine well - or rather decaffeinated coffee. You also need to know that caffeine is also found in other foods such as tea, cola and cocoa.

Decaffeinated coffee is also suitable for people with a tendency to high blood pressure. So everyone who likes to drink coffee a lot and often likes the taste, but has to pay attention to this vital value. If you belong to this group, then read through our article on the effects of coffee on the heart and blood pressure - it tells you what to watch out for.

How does Liquid Dicarboxylic Acid work?

The process starts with steaming your coffee beans. This opens up pores on the surface of the beans and makes it easier for Liquid Dicarboxylic Acid to penetrate through without damaging or altering the flavor of your coffee.

Does decaf coffee have health benefits?

There are many health benefits of drinking decaffeinated coffee instead of regular one. It contains about 5-10% less caffeine than its counterpart which means that you can drink it in larger quantities and still get the same effect as if you were drinking caffeinated coffee.

Studies have also ​shown that drinking decaffeinated coffee is linked to a decreased risk of breast cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other illnesses.

How to Choose Tasty Decaffeinated Coffee?

You should always check the type of process used for removing caffeine, which can vary from an instant process, through to a chemical process that may not be as healthy.

In addition, always look for specialty-grade decaf coffee beans. These beans are usually more expensive, but they are worth it. Finally, avoid buying pre-ground decaf coffee, as whole bean coffee is always fresher.

Final Thoughts

Decaf coffee is a staple for many people with certain medical conditions; however, it is also a delicious choice for anybody,  and it is packed with surprising benefits. If you're considering decaffeinated coffee as an alternative to your regular cup of joe, or if you want to find out more about the amazing things that make this drink special, then check out this article!

We hope we have convinced you enough to give decaf coffee a try—or at least made you curious enough to learn more about what makes it such a great beverage.

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3 comments on 10 Surprising Things about Decaf Coffee
  • Carl

    Uh, folks
    Coffee was never suppose to turn into an addiction
    Like alcohol, tobacco and gambling lol
    Like my grandma said: Everything in moderation

  • Christopher
    ChristopherNovember 14, 2024

    I definitely do get dehydrated from caffeinated coffee far more than I do with decaf.. I do a lot of walking (5 miles per day at least).. part of my walk is always stopping at a coffee shop.. the days I get decaf espresso shots instead of regular (one coffee shop I hit doesnt have decaf).. but I definitely notice a difference..

  • Jordan Zakery
    Jordan ZakeryJune 26, 2024

    Regular caffeinated coffee is indeed a diuretic, however, it does not dehydrate you. Research shows the liquid to diuretic effect of caffeine, still leaves you at a net positive hydration level. Still, great article!

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