Coffee Basic
Basics. Foundations. Beginner’s curiosity. These are some of the most important factors to keep in mind when learning about anything in the world, and the same goes for coffee. In Japanese, there is an age-old saying: [初心忘るべからず], which roughly translates to ‘Never forget the beginner’s humility/mindset.’
Perhaps you've just heard about Japanese coffee from a friend and want to try it out. Maybe you have never ventured beyond instant coffee and wish to embark on the journey of brewing fresh coffee at home. Or perhaps you are someone who is simply curious to explore the world of coffee. Regardless of your goals, rest assured that you will find easy, accessible, and interesting coffee knowledge here. We hope it keeps your mind as open to learning about coffee as it was on Day 1!

5 Best Coffee Drinks for Students to Focus Better and Increase Productivity
Boost your productivity with the top 5 coffee drinks tailor-made for students. Stay focused, energized, and ready to conquer your studies! Click for the ultimate guide!

What Happens If You Heat Up Cold-Brew Coffee?
Discover the surprising results of heating up your cold brew coffee. Join us as we explore the science behind the taste and texture changes, and learn different ways to enjoy...

How Soil Affects the Taste of Coffee
Premium coffee is like good wine or exceptional tea. Each individual coffee cherry only thrives as well as its growing conditions allow. The soil, the location, the climate, and the...

Nitro Cold Brew Coffee - Could this be the new coffee trend in Japan?
Experience the newest fashion in Japan, Nitro Cold Brew Coffee! This coffee would delight any coffee enthusiast because it is smooth and creamy. Learn more by reading on.

Is Coffee Good for Cancer? - Coffee Quiz
Are you the type of person who can only function after having your morning cup of coffee? If so, then you're probably interested in what researchers have to say on...

Coffee Varietals With Naturally Low Caffeine
Explore the world of Japanese coffee varietals with naturally low caffeine. Discover a unique and flavorful alternative to high-caffeine coffee.

How To Prevent Japanese Coffee From Becoming Stale?
The roots of Japanese coffee culture date back to the late 1880s, when its first café opened in Tokyo. Through the years, owners would tweak their recipes to bring the...

How Climate Affects the Taste of Coffee
Coffee is almost like wine; each variety has its own typical character. Many factors ensure a unique result in your cup, all the way from the coffee plant to the...

Does the Type of Mug or Glass Affect How Coffee Tastes? – Coffee Quiz
There was a time when the main choice coffee drinkers had to make was whether to take it black or modify the flavor by adding sugar, milk, or creamer to...

Does Coffee Help You Lose Weight?
There is coffee for everyone, whether you want it hot, iced, flavored, unsweetened, or decaffeinated. Coffee drinkers are aware of how crucial it is, whether they enjoy the act of...

JAS Certification - What is it?
JAS Certification - HOW CAN IT ASSURE AN ORGANIC PRODUCT The Japanese started to be conscious of their food. When men started to be conscious about anything they ingested in...

10 Surprising Things about Decaf Coffee
There are a lot of misconceptions about decaf coffee. For instance, a lot of people think it doesn’t have any caffeine in it, which is understandable considering we see...

Cup Tasting (also known as Cupping) and Japan Cup Tasters Championship
You know that favorite brand of coffee or roastery blend you probably have that you absolutely love? You know exactly which one I am talking about if you have one....

How Roasting Affects Taste of Coffee
Did you know that it is particularly important for baristas to ensure that the coffee they brew is perfectly roasted? That’s why there are people in the coffee industry who...

What Happens If You Heat up Nitro-Cold-Brew Coffee?
Have you had the pleasure of enjoying a cup of nitro cold-brew coffee? It has been around for a decade, but if you're pretty set in your preferences, you might...

How Do Coffee and Caffeine Affect the Heart
In recent decades, there have been various studies with conflicting findings on the effect of coffee and caffeine on the heart. The results of different studies have indicated that coffee...

What You Need to Know about Koji Coffee
Coffee has been the preferred beverage for many people across the globe for at least a century. As a result, there is a constant influx of innovations and trends to...

The History Of Why Americans Drink Coffee More Than Tea
Americans drink more coffee than tea, which has been the case for quite some time. Whether you're a coffee or tea lover, it's interesting to learn about the history of...

How Water Affects the Taste of Coffee
You may be surprised to learn that water is one of the most important factors in how coffee tastes. This post will explore this critical element and give you some...

Does Coffee Dehydrate You? - Coffee Quiz
For several decades until recently, since a study in the late 1920s, many believed coffee to cause dehydration even when consumed in small amounts. But what if I told you...

What Makes a Cup of Coffee Strong?
If you're like most people, you take your coffee seriously. You need it to be strong, with a robust flavor that can cut through the morning fog and help you...

How Season Affects the Taste of Coffee
It might seem strange to talk about seasonality when it comes to coffee. Usually, the focus is not on seasonality but rather on a quality that is as constant as...

Can a coffee pot make the coffee taste better?
It is a coffee enthusiast’s guilty pleasure to always look for more things that could make our beloved beverage taste even better. And countless methods for brewing and processing have...

Is it ok to Freeze Coffee? - Coffee Quiz
To freeze or not to freeze; this has been the debate for years in the coffee industry. The practice of properly storing coffee beans has divided everyone into factions...

Can I Mix Coffee With Tea? – Coffee Quiz
Looking for a unique coffee experience? Have you ever considered mixing coffee with tea? Discover the possibilities and benefits of this interesting blend.

Everything You Need to Know About Vietnamese Egg Coffee
Discover the unique and creamy taste of Vietnamese Egg Coffee. Learn how to make this delicious drink at home and explore its fascinating history.

Commodity Vs Premium Coffee
Commodity Vs Premium Coffee - What's The Difference and Which One Should You be Drinking Have you ever wondered why coffee tastes so different based on where you get it...