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8 Reasons to Drink Decaf Coffee

Some people are under the impression that decaf coffee is a weaker, inferior product. However, there are many reasons to drink decaf coffee – here are just eight of them!

So next time you’re at the café, consider ordering a decaf cup instead of your usual caffeine fix. You might be surprised by how good it tastes.

8 Reasons to drink Decaf Coffee

If you're like most people, you probably think of decaf coffee as a watered-down version of the real thing. But what if we told you that there are plenty of reasons to drink decaf coffee – reasons that have nothing to do with avoiding caffeine? Here are eight benefits of drinking decaf coffee:

1. Lower Acid

Decaf coffee is lower in acid than regular coffee. This means it's gentler on your stomach and can be easier on your digestion. Decaf coffee is also lower in caffeine and has a milder, nutty taste. 

Although it's preferred by many people who like to watch their caffeinated intake, some coffee lovers contend they would never drink decaf because they wouldn't enjoy the flavor. But there are plenty of reasons to make the switch — especially if your summer coffee routine involves iced coffee or you want a post-dinner java that won't keep you up all night.

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2. A Source of Antioxidants

Decaf coffee contains antioxidants, which can help protect your body against disease. In addition, research suggests that antioxidants may help improve heart health and protect against cancer.

This is because antioxidants scavenge harmful toxins and free radicals from the body, which can damage cells and lead to disease. So if you’re looking for a healthy coffee choice, decaf is a great option.

Just make sure to avoid added sugars and creamers.

Decaf coffee is also a good source of magnesium, potassium, and other minerals important for good health. For a healthier coffee drink, try brewing your own coffee at home with fresh ground beans, or try an unsweetened iced latte or cappuccino.

japanese decaf coffee

3. Protection against diseases

Some studies have shown that decaffeinated coffee may help protect against Parkinson's disease and other forms of dementia. This is good news for coffee drinkers who are looking to reduce their caffeine intake, or for those who cannot drink caffeinated coffee for health reasons.

If you are looking for a healthy beverage that can help protect against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, decaffeinated coffee is a good option. Just make sure to choose quality brands that do not use harsh chemicals in the decaffeination process.

4. Low-calorie intake

Decaf coffee can help you maintain a healthy weight since it is lower in calories than regular coffee. A single cup of decaf coffee has only two calories, compared to the 95 calories in a regular cup of coffee. This can add up to a significant difference if you drink several cups of coffee per day. Decaf coffee also contains antioxidants that can help protect your body from disease.

If you are looking for an alternative to regular coffee that is lower in calories and still provides health benefits, decaf coffee is a great choice. It is available at most grocery stores and coffee shops, so you can easily include it in your daily routine. Enjoy a cup of decaf coffee with breakfast, during your break at work, or any time you need a caffeine boost. You'll be happy you made the switch!

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5. Less caffeine

Decaf coffee is a great choice for people who are sensitive to caffeine or who want to avoid its effects. Decaf coffee is coffee that has had most of the caffeine removed. It still has many of the same flavors and characteristics as regular coffee.

There are many different types of decaf coffee available. Some decaf coffees are made from Arabica beans, while others are made from Robusta beans. Arabica beans tend to have a smoother flavor than Robusta beans. There are also many different brands of decaf coffee available.

japanese sumiyaki coffee

An average person should consume around 300mg of caffeine per day. This is equivalent to around three 8oz cups of coffee. If you drink more than this, you may start to experience caffeine's negative effects, such as restlessness and anxiety.

If you are trying to reduce your caffeine intake, switching to decaf coffee is a good way to do it. Decaf coffee has around 2-6mg of caffeine per cup, compared to around 80-180mg of caffeine in regular coffee. This means that you can still get the benefits of coffee without consuming too much caffeine.

Some people who must avoid caffeine can drink as little as 40 milligrams of decaf per day before they experience negative effects. That's about the same amount of caffeine as a cup of tea.

6. Suitable for pregnant women

Decaf coffee is also a good choice for pregnant women. Caffeine can be harmful to the developing baby, so pregnant women should avoid drinking regular coffee. Decaf coffee does not contain caffeine, so it is a safe choice for pregnant women.

Pregnant women should drink around two cups of decaf coffee per day. This will provide them with the nutrients they need, without exposing their baby to too much caffeine. Decaf coffee is a great source of antioxidants, potassium, and other minerals important for good health.

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7. No acid reflux

If you suffer from acid reflux, decaf coffee may be a better choice than coffee. Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid flows into your esophagus, which can cause heartburn and other symptoms.

Coffee can make acid reflux worse because it can relax the sphincter at the bottom of the stomach. This allows stomach acid to flow up into your esophagus, which can exacerbate reflux symptoms.

Decaf coffee does not have this effect on the body. It is naturally low in acids, so it doesn't contribute to acid build-up in your digestive system. If you are diagnosed with acid reflux or GERD, consider switching to decaf coffee instead of regular coffee. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel!

8. Lowers cholesterol

Reduced caffeine-decaf coffee may also have some health benefits. It can be used to reduce cholesterol levels in the body. Decaf coffee has high levels of chlorogenic acid, which is a natural antioxidant that can help protect your cells from damage.

Chlorogenic acid boosts metabolism and reduces fat storage in the liver, which reduces cholesterol production. By reducing the amount of bad cholesterol produced by your body, you can lower your risk for heart disease, cancer, and other conditions.

coffee bean

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FAQ About decaf coffee

What is the caffeine content in decaf coffee?

An average cup of decaf coffee has around 2-6mg of caffeine. This is a much lower amount than regular coffee, which contains around 80-180mg of caffeine per cup.

Can I drink as much decaf coffee as I want?

No, you should still moderate your intake of decaf coffee. While it is lower in caffeine than regular coffee, it still contains some caffeine. Too much caffeine can be harmful to your health.

Who can drink decaf coffee?

People of all ages can enjoy the benefits of decaf coffee. Anyone who is sensitive to caffeine should consider switching to decaf coffee as it does not contain any caffeine.

Decaf coffee is also a good choice for pregnant women and people with acid reflux or GERD. It may even have health benefits that regular coffee doesn't have, such as reducing cholesterol levels and boosting brain function!

Is Decaf Coffee Less Flavorful than Regular Coffee?

No, decaf coffee is just as flavorful as regular coffee. The only difference is that decaf coffee beans undergo a different process for the caffeine to be removed, which causes the beans to have a milder flavor than regular coffee. Some people even prefer this milder taste!

What is the Best Time of Day to Drink Decaf Coffee?

You can drink decaf coffee anytime, day or night! However, I would recommend sticking to earlier in the day since studies have shown that caffeine consumption later in the day could lead to sleeping problems.

Is Deaf Coffee Less Caffeinated than Regular Coffee?

Yes, decaf coffee has less caffeine content than regular coffee. Decaf coffee is made by using special processes to extract the caffeine from the beans. Comparing them side by side, decaf coffee holds about 97% less caffeine than regular coffee, so if you are looking for a low-caffeine coffee option, decaf is the way to go!

What is the Best Way to Brew Decaf Coffee?

That's totally up to you! There are a number of ways to prepare decaf coffee, including using a French press, an automatic drip machine, a pour-over cone, or even just brewing it as espresso or iced coffee. No matter how you make it, decaf coffee can always taste delicious, so go ahead and experiment!

Is there no coffee plant that naturally has no caffeine?

All these procedures are well and good, but wouldn't a coffee plant that inherently contains no caffeine be the easiest solution? Around 10% of the coffee traded worldwide is decaffeinated.

And yes, decaffeinated coffee does appear to grow naturally too, but it is rarely found. Brazilian researchers discovered a naturally caffeine-free coffee plant in Ethiopia as early as 17 years ago. So far it has not been profitable enough for trading.

So an attempt is being made through genetic engineering to cross this coffee plant with other commercially used “Arabica” varieties so that it can be grown on plantations.

Who is decaffeinated coffee for?

Decaffeinated coffee is particularly suitable for those who suffer from caffeine intolerance. This is not as rare as you might think. Many people do not even know that they suffer from an allergy or intolerance: tremors, sweating, racing heart or an irritated stomach can be signs of an intolerance to caffeine.

Incidentally, one reacts similarly if too much caffeine has been consumed. Doctors say that 400mg of caffeine per day is the maximum for an adult, but ultimately it depends on things like body weight and your own sensitivity whether you can tolerate caffeine well - or rather decaffeinated coffee. You also need to know that caffeine is also found in other foods such as tea, cola and cocoa.

Decaffeinated coffee is also suitable for people with a tendency to high blood pressure. So everyone who likes to drink coffee a lot and often likes the taste, but has to pay attention to this vital value. If you belong to this group, then read through our article on the effects of coffee on the heart and blood pressure - it tells you what to watch out for.

How does Liquid Dicarboxylic Acid work?

The process starts with steaming your coffee beans. This opens up pores on the surface of the beans and makes it easier for Liquid Dicarboxylic Acid to penetrate through without damaging or altering the flavor of your coffee.

Does decaf coffee have health benefits?

There are many health benefits of drinking decaffeinated coffee instead of regular one. It contains about 5-10% less caffeine than its counterpart which means that you can drink it in larger quantities and still get the same effect as if you were drinking caffeinated coffee.

Studies have also ​shown that drinking decaffeinated coffee is linked to a decreased risk of breast cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other illnesses.

How to Choose Tasty Decaffeinated Coffee?

You should always check the type of process used for removing caffeine, which can vary from an instant process, through to a chemical process that may not be as healthy.

In addition, always look for specialty-grade decaf coffee beans. These beans are usually more expensive, but they are worth it. Finally, avoid buying pre-ground decaf coffee, as whole bean coffee is always fresher.

Final Thoughts

Decaf coffee has a lot of benefits that make it worth drinking. It’s not just for people who can't drink caffeine, but also for those looking to get the health benefits without the buzz. We hope you enjoy these 8 reasons why decaf coffee is so great! So next time you're looking for a delicious and healthy drink, consider reaching for a mug of decaf coffee!

This post was first published in 2022 but it was updated in 2023 just for you. 

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